21th Premio Cairo

11 - 16 october 2022 Palazzo Reale, Milan

The 21st edition was held at the Palazzo Reale in Milan and marked the restart of the Italian contemporary art world. Twenty promising young artists, selected by the Arte editorial team, exhibited their works in an unmissable exhibition. The jury, composed of art critics and museum directors, selected Giulia Cenci as the winner.

Thanks to the collaboration with LifeGate's Impatto Zero, which estimated the event's environmental impact by taking into account energy consumption, participants' mobility, promotional material, waste produced and meals consumed at the gala dinner, the CO2 emissions generated by the event were calculated, reduced and offset by means of carbon credits generated by the creation and protection of growing forests in Madagascar.

Renewed the media partnership with Corriere della Sera, which hosted the streaming of the event on corriere.it.

Follow the Instagram page @premiocairo to find out about the finalists and see highlights of the opening night.

A new, prestigious edition to reward the best new faces in contemporary art.


The Jury

The jury is chaired by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo - President Fondazione Patrizia Sandretto Re Re Rebaudengo of Turin. Joining her in the panel of jurors are: Mariolina Bassetti - President of Christie's Italia; Gabriella Belli - Art Historian, former Director of Fondazione MUVE, Musei Civici di Venezia; Luca Massimo Barbero - Director of the Giorgio Cini Foundation Institute of Art History in Venice; Ilaria Bonacossa - Director of the National Museum of Digital Art in Milan; Lorenzo Giusti - Director of Gamec (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art) in Bergamo; Andrea Viliani - Director of the Museum of Civilisations in Rome.

The winner

Giulia Cenci wins the 21st Premio Cairo with the work ‘Untitled’, bathtub, resin, powder, pigments, 83.5x193.5x82.5 cm.

Born in Cortona in 1988, she trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and the St. Joost Academy in Breda, Holland. A finalist in the MAXXI Bulgari Prize 2020, her most important goals include the exhibitions Tallone di ferro at the Museo Novecento (Florence, 2021), Futuruins at Palazzo Fortuny (Venice, 2019) and her participation in the 59th Venice Art Biennale in 2022.