Velasco Vitali

Bellano (CO), 1960
Successful Story

In the panorama of directions that characterise contemporary figuration, Velasco has certainly chosen one of the most difficult roads: that of simplicity. By this is meant the renunciation of excess, the desire to invent something new at all costs. Far from experimenting with unusual subjects and materials, this artist has rediscovered the elements of traditional painting and its language in his works, finding in them the stimuli for a personal search for content and means of expression. In his canvases, generally of large dimensions, urban scenarios, deserted suburbs and landscape views follow one another alongside portraits. It is the transcription of a natural world that refers to realities hidden in a dramatic atmosphere, poised between neo-realist reflections and a kind of material expressionism, played on the refined structuring of images, the study of 'energy lines' and compositional balances.

He participated to the 2nd and 3rd Premio Cairo, in 2001 and 2002.

Veduta, 2019, olio su tela, cm 210x1045