Paolo Maggis

Milano, 1978
Successful Story

Although coming from a realist academy based on fidelity to the form of the subject, in Maggis one notices from the beginning an expressive necessity that transcends, precisely, formal correctness, to transport it into the territory of abstract expression that oscillates between introversion and extroversion. The work is the result of a struggle of the pictorial matter that frees itself from the limits imposed by the subject.

The strongly expressive, autonomous, often bordering on violence charge is independent enough to subtract its semblances from reality and then retransmit them according to new forms.

Every brushstroke, every color plays a decisive role in the construction of the work. Communication occurs on an epidermal level even before conceptual. The construction process of the work often brings the gesture to a raw outcome that makes energy, tenacity and intention the cornerstone of expression.

He participated to the 4th Premio Cairo in 2003.

Body, 2015, olio su tela, cm 55 x 65