18th Premio Cairo

24 october - 1 november 2017 Palazzo Reale, Milan

On 23 October in Milan, in the prestigious halls of the Palazzo Reale, the award ceremony for the 18th Cairo Prize, curated by the editorial team of Cairo Editore's monthly Arte magazine, was held.


Selected artists

Selected artists: Dimitri Agnello, Meris Angioletti, Ludovico Bomben, Giuseppe Buffoli, Tiziano Doria, El Gato Chimney, Christian Fogarolli, Monica Mazzone, Matteo Negri, Maria Teresa Ortoleva, Ettore Pinelli, Michael Rotondi, Matteo Rubbi, Manuel Scano Larrazàbal, Caterina Erica Shanta, Pietro Spirito, Kristian Sturi, Patrick Tabarelli, Serena Vestrucci, Giulio Zanet.

The Jury

The prestigious jury of the Cairo Prize, chaired by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo and composed of: Gabriella Belli, Director of the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia; Bruno Corà, art historian and critic, President of the Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini-Collezione Burri in Città di Castello; Gianfranco Maraniello, Director of the MART in Rovereto and Andrea Viliani, Director of the MADRE in Naples.

The winner

Serena Vestrucci wins the 18th Premio Cairo with the work ‘Trucco’, 2017, eyeshadows on raw canvas (execution time, two weeks), 200x180 cm. Born in 1986 in Milan, where she lives and works.
Exhibitions include:
2016 Ortica, Marsèlleria Permanent Exhibition, Milan
2015 8 Ore, Villa Croce Museum, Genoa

Filippo Del Corno, councillor for culture of the Municipality of Milan, Michele Bonuomo, editor of the monthly magazines Arte and Antiquariato, Serena Vestrucci, winner of the 18th Cairo Prize, Urbano Cairo, president of Cairo Editore and Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, president of the jury of the 18th Cairo Prize and president of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation in Turin