Paolo Bini

Winner 2016
Luoghi del sé, 2016

acrylic on paper tape on canvas, 151x200 cm

The winning work, was judged the best with this motivation:

Within a search for a new pictorial mode, the mode of the creative process stands out, in the ability to use the essential elements that make-up the language with which the work is constructed."


Born in 1984 in Battipaglia (SA), he lives and works in Battipaglia and South Africa.

Exhibitions include:

2014 Show_Yourself@Madre, Madre Museum, Naples.

2010 Un proyecto específico, Museo San Francisco de Asís, Havana

Paolo Bini's works, made with individually painted paper ribbons applied to supports such as canvas and board, are modular abstract surfaces, monochrome or multicolored, taking either the traditional form of the painting or that of the environmental installation.

Since his beginnings, Bini has been moving in the realm of abstraction, but it is in 2013 that his paintings are marked by horizontal, sometimes vertical linear sequences, distributed and circumscribed within rigorous geometries. Bini's two-dimensional production is flanked by several installation interventions, in which his pictorial modules become an object presence, such as Approdo (2014), four monumental panels with bright, saturated hues that dialogue with the architecture of Palazzo Mezzacapo in Maiori (Salerno). At the center of Bini's research is color and its evocative power, derived from memories of his many travels in Europe and South Africa.

This is how the images of his experience are translated into a polychromatic and layered texture. These are mental landscapes, as the title of the work in the competition, Places of the Self, makes explicit, where the juxtaposition of rarefied-toned stripes reflects a reality as indeterminate as it is harmonious.