8th Premio Cairo

26 October - 4 November 2007 Palazzo della Permanente, Milan

In the eight editions that have marked the history of the Cairo Prize, figuration has changed face, techniques, soul. In the studios of artists throughout the peninsula, it has grown, enriched and regenerated from the common stock of contamination. Painting, nourished by all that other languages were able to offer it, picked up themes, modes and suggestions from comics, television, advertising and the Internet.


Selected artists

selected artists:

Maddalena Ambrosio, Simone Bergantini, Vania Comoretti, Vanni Cuoghi, Fratelli Càlgaro, Fausto Gilberti, Daniele Girardi, Andrea Mariconti, Carla Mattii, Tommaso Ottieri, Francesco Pignatelli, Chiara Pirito, Giuseppe Restano, Davide Rivalta, Francesco Sena, Eric Serafini, Gian Paolo Tomasi, Carlo Valsecchi, Claus Vittur, William Marc Zanghi

The Jury

The Jury is composed by: Fabio Cavallucci (direttore della Galleria Civica di Trento), Daniela Clerici (direttore di Arte), Gianfranco Maraniello (direttore di MAMbo Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna), Marco Pierini (direttore del Centro d'Arte Contemporanea Santa Maria della Scala di Siena), Lorenzo Rudolf, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (presidente Fondazione Sandretto di Torino) e Stefano Zecchi (scrittore e professore di estetica).

The winner

The winner of the 2007 edition of the Cairo Prize is Fausto Gilberti, from Brescia, born in 1970

Fausto Gilberti, Triumph of Death, 2007, graph on paper, 4 pieces, 33x48 cm each