Loredana di Lillo

Winner 2012
Double Eye, 2012

print mounted on aluminum, 150x100 cm

The Jury motivated the choice as follows:

"The 13th Cairo Prize is won by Loredana Di Lillo, with the work Double Eye, because it reflects the sense of female identity by linking the theme to current events, while maintaining a strong poetic implication."



Born in 1979 in Gioia del Colle (Bari), she lives and works in Milan.

Solo exhibitions include:

2011, Animal, Docva, Milan;

2008, Enduring landscapes, Duetart Gallery, Milan.

Observing reality. Mapping the existing. Elaborating hypotheses about the world, if possible better than ours. And then to study, to experiment with the attitude of the scientist, without for this reason renouncing the completeness of the formal act that, after endless paths traveled, brings us back to the territory where we belong: art.

For the past two years, the Cairo Prize has been attempting a breakthrough: asking the twenty selected artists not simply to exhibit their works but to elaborate an unprecedented project in every part.