12th Premio Cairo

27 October - 1 November 2011 Palazzo della Permanente, Milano

The 12th edition of the Premio Cairo was held at the Palazzo della Permanente in Milan, the event linked to the monthly Arte, promoted by the publisher Urbano Cairo in support of young art.

As was the case last year for this edition, curated by Luca Beatrice, the compulsory condition for competing for the Prize is the absolute originality of the work presented by the artist, which must not have been exhibited or published previously. On the other hand, there are no constraints or directives regarding the languages and techniques used by the artists, who have been given a space of the same dimensions to realise their project.


Selected artists

Selected artists:

Roberto Amoroso, Emanuele Becheri, Riccardo Benassi, Fatma Bucak, Guglielmo Castelli, Umberto Chiodi, Coniglioviola, Francesco De Molfetta, Matteo Fato, Laura Giardino, Svitlana Grebenyuk, Dario Guccio, Michele Guido, Iva Kontic, Giovanni Ozzola, Luana Perilli, Giuliano Sale, Gaia Scaramella ,Cristiano Tassinari, Eugenio Tibaldi


The Jury

The Jury: Flavio Arensi, Critico d'arte e direttore scientifico del progetto SALe (Spazio Arte Legnano); Michele Bonuomo, Direttore del mensile Arte; Guido Curto, Direttore dell'Accademia Albertina di Torino; Gianfranco Maraniello, Direttore di MAMbo Museo d'arte moderna di Bologna; Marco Pierini, Direttore della Galleria Civica di Modena; Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Presidente Fondazione Sandretto di Torino.

The winner

Giovanni Ozzola is the winner of the 12th edition of the Cairo Prize, the event linked to the monthly Arte, promoted by the publisher Urbano Cairo in support of young art.

The unpublished work that won over the jury is entitled: ‘Don't ask me ask yourself’ and consists of 2 digital prints, each measuring 150x265 cm.